This is an exceptional opportunity for emergency physicians to acquire necessary ECG skills and knowledge.
"Don’t Call Yourself a Doctor If You Are Not Confident With ECGs" - Dr. Ash
Mastering ECG interpretation is a crucial skill that distinguishes a physician among their peers. Proficiency in identifying life-threatening emergencies on ECGs earns high respect in medical departments. In light of its importance, we are pleased to announce our 7th ECG workshop for LGEM trainees and external doctors.
This signature workshop, offered through platforms such as London Global EM, London Clinical Courses, and GPEP UK, has been highly acclaimed by over 300 attendees across six previous sessions. Our 7th ECG workshop aims to provide a thorough understanding of ECG interpretation and the identification of life-threatening emergencies. It is particularly beneficial for junior doctors, senior physicians, house officers, SHOs, and final-year medical students preparing for clinical roles.
Format: Online
Date: 10/08/2024 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00-13:00 (3 hours)
Fee: £100
To enrol in our Signature ECG Workshop, begin by completing your application here. Once you've submitted your application, simply click on the Buy Now Button to make your payment.
This workshop is unique in offering intensive and comprehensive instruction from an Emergency Medicine perspective.
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Applications are Now Open for CCP-EM with MRCEM, CCP-AGM with MRCP & CCP-PEM with MRCPCH