To enroll in our 100 EM Procedures Workshop, begin by completing your application here. Once you've submitted your application, simply click on the Buy Now Button to make your payment.
This is a unique workshop, No other Institute has ever conducted such and intense and comprehensive teaching on Emergency Medicine Procedures in such a short time.
This is an exceptional opportunity for emergency physicians to acquire necessary skills and knowledge of common emergency procedures which are expected to be performed by ED physicians on shop floor. Most of these procedures are part of RCEM Curriculum and must be learnt by ED physicians as a part of their training.
Aim of this workshop is to improve emergency services , improve patient safety and provide safe and effective treatment to patients without delay, this will ultimately be helpful in running the ED department smoothly and safely.
This workshop is specifically designed to teach simple emergency procedures which can have a significant impact on patient life, main aim of this workshop is to equipp ER physicians, Registrars, Junior doctors, ACCS trainees , clinical fellows and specialist with necessary skills so that they can confidently perform life , limb or sight saving procedures without any delay.
We strongly recommend all ER physicians to attend this workshop and get yourself fully familiar and confident with all below mentioned procedures, from our experience we have noticed that vast majority of ED clinicians are not familiar with most of these procedures as result of which most of the time delays occurred in patient care.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
This will be full 3 days workshop , more than 30 EM procedures will be taught per day, full theoretical knowledge will be provided in form of interactive lectures and hand on practice will be provided on mannequin in most scenarios.
Whole workshop will be conducted by senior EM Clinicians/Consultants who are Fellows and Members of Royal colleges, few specialist from other specialties will also be invited to teach their disciplines , for example Ophthalmologist /ENT specialist.
This workshop will be most useful for non trainees and locum ER physicians who do not undergo structured training but wishes to be a specialist or consultant at some point in there career , this can be very useful for those clinicians who did not undergo training in UK but have taken senior positions by submitting their equivalent training certificates from abroad, last but not the least senior clinicians staff grades and consultants who wish to regain their lost skills they can also join us in this workshop.
Yes, Competencies Certificate signed by UK consultants will be issued to those who successfully attend all days.
This certificate will testify that you have attended this unique workshop and have knowledge of 100 EM procedure , you've been taught and had supervised hand on practice by UK trained consultants , this will be like a gem in your cv and portfolio , of course this will give you confidence in job interview any where in the world and with these skills you will always be preferred over doctors who don't have these skills.
From our knowledge , No other institute anywhere in the world has organised such a unique workshop.
We all know about ATLS ALS APLS and other fancy courses but no one has ever conducted a practical workshop on 100 Emergency Medicine procedures.
We will teach 100 EM procedures which will include procedures mentioned below and other procedures as well.
Following is the list of Procedures aim to teach.
1) Airway Manoeuvres
2) Use of Basic airway adjuncts ( OPG/NPG)
3) Use of Bag Valve mask and basic ventilation
4) Use of Advance Airways I Gel, LMA
5) Endo Tracheal Intubation
6) Surgical Airway Cricothyroidotomy/ Tracheostomy
7) Removal of foreign body from upper airway
8 )Abdominal Thrust to remove airway foreign body in Adults
9) Needle Cricothyroidotomy
10) Surgical Cricothyroidotomy
11) Percutaneous Tracheostomy
12) Neck Immobilization and Intubation
13) Open surgical chest drain
14) Eletrical DC Cardiovesion
15) Tension Pneumothorax Needle Decompression
16) Aspiration Pneumothorax
17) Sildenger Chest drain
18) I/V cannulation
19) Venupuncture
20) Arterial Blood Gases
21) Insertion of Arterial Line
22) Obtaining Intraosseus access
23) Valsalva
24) Modified Valsalva Manouvre
25) Chemical Cardio Version
26) Cervical spine immobilization and protection
27) Log Roll
28) Shoulder Dislocation and Manipulation Technique (one)
29) Elbow Dislocation and Manipulation Technique
30) Reduction and manipulation of Distal Radius Fracture (Colles Fracture)
31)Reduction and Management Phalangeal Dislocation
32)Application of slings Collar and cuff slings , Broad arm slings
33)Application of below elbow back slab/PoP( Sling POP)
34)Use of various splints in hand/ finger Neighbour strapping
35) Application of Sager/Donnoway/Thomas Splint ( need)
36) Fundoscopy
37) Otoscopy
38) How to Check Eye PH ( PH strip)
39) Eye Irrigation in Chemical injuries to eye ( Morgan lense)
40) Removal of Foreign body from eye and application of Eye patch
41) Management of Anterior Epistaxis , Anterior Nasal Packing
42) Use of Rhinopad to control Anterior and post Epistaxis ( Rapid Rhino)
43) Cauterization for Anterior Epistaxis ( Silver Nitrite Sticks)
44) Removal of Foreign body from Ear ( Mosquito Forceps)
45) Removal of Foreign Body from Nose ( Nasal Probe)
46) Technique and Principles of Quinsy Drainage ( Orange/Gray cannula)
47) Incision and Drainage of Abscess ( Scalpal and wound pack)
48) Drainage of Subungal hematoma
49) Nail bed injuries à Repair and Rimplantation
50) Wound Closure/Suturing
51) Urethral Catheterization
52) Bimanual PV Examination
53) Cuscos Spaculum Examination
54) High Vaginal Swab /Cervical Sampling /Pap Smear
55) Removal Of Foreign Body from Vagina ( lost tampon/Condom removal) on mannequin.
56) P/R and Prostate Examination on Manneqquin
57) Breast Examination on Mannequin
58) CVS ( SVT Chemical Cardioversion
59) VT chemical Cardioversion
60) Ankle Relocation
61) wound suture flap
62) ring removal with silk thread and soap
63 64)BLS Paeds
65)Primary Survey
66) Secondary survey
67) patellar relocation
68) Above knee back slab
69) Ulnar gutter splint
70) Scaphoid cast
71) procedure sedation
72) safe transfer
73) removal of patient from scoop
74) Safe transfer from bed to bed ( Pat slide)
75) Intubation in patient with head and neck trauma BLS Adult
76) Removal of helmet in Head injured patient
77) femoral stab
78) FAST scan
79) aorta scan
80) echo in life support
81) Dental Block ( Dental Syringe)
82) Volar Slab
83) Transcutaneous pacing
84) Pericardiocentesis
85) Radial Head Sublaxation
86) fish hook removal
87) Lumbar Puncture
88) Suprapubic bladder
89) Priapism Management
90) Digital globe massage
91) How to apply thumb spica cast
92) Antenatal examination of Full-term pregnant lady in ER
93) Laryngoscopy
94) Foreign Body helminch manouver
95) FB back blows
96) FB Abdominal thrust
97) TMJ Dislocation /Relocation
98) Intramuscular Injections
99) deroofing of Burns blisters
100) fasciotomy
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Applications are Now Open for CCP-EM with MRCEM, CCP-AGM with MRCP & CCP-PEM with MRCPCH